Author/s: Ramiro Checa-Garcia
Here there is a (not complete) list of software tools that I have programmed or that has my contributions. The main languages that I use are Fortran (77/90/2003), Python, OCaml, Julia and shell scripts, however other languages like Haskell or C has been used for learning or specific projects. First there is a table with general information, below you have a description.

Atmospheric Sciences

Name Languages Source Code Documentation Cite as License
INCAlexer python sourcehut Examples repo GPLv3
pyMie python partially in FunFAN - - GLPv3
Sokka.jl Julia soon in sourcehut ask ask GPLv3
pyIPSLtool python github ask zenodo GPLv3
FunFAN python github docs zenodo GPLv3
BOKU-Tool Julia ask ask ask Apache-License 2.0
ecaeropt python/fortran github generated at install ask Apache-License 2.0
omars OCaml ask omars --help ask ask
ocdo OCaml sourcehut README file ask GLPv3
KAS python ask ask ask Apache-License 2.0

Aerosol Physical and Optical Properties

  • pyMie [python] a simple Mie scattering implementation in python useful for atmospheric particles. It has been programmed when I was at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
  • Sokka.jl [julia] this is a more complete code including Mie scattering and DDA approximation. It also has an inverse method to estimate refractive index from optical properties.
  • FunFAN [python] FunFAN: set of functions for aerosols studies.
  • ecaeropt [python/fortran] ecaeropt: tool to calculate aerosols optical properties for ECMWF IFS model.
  • *KAS [python] is a set of tools to evaluate the aerosols outputs in the IFS and Open-IFS models.

Climate Model Tools

  • INCAlexer [python] is an utility in python to process/analyse the INP files of INCA model. INP files are those of INCA model that describe the main chemical reactions.
  • pyISPLtool [python] pyIPSLtool: unpack/test/plot IPSL climate simulations.
  • BOKU-WRF-Tool [julia] post-processing tool for WRF and WRF-Chem.

Simulations and Data Analysis

  • omars [ocaml] is a tool to download experiments of IFS model and perform quick evaluations and plots.
  • ocdo [ocaml] is a kind of wrapper for cdo inside OCaml, it is useful as an element of other tools (still under development).

Rainfall measurements

Liquid Theory and dynamical systems

There were several tools that one day I will upload to Sourcehut or Github.

Blogs templates

  • rchg [Jekyll] customized template for research scientists
  • bruma [pelican] customized template for research group
  • narigudo [pelican] the template of this webpage/blog.